Lied to about promotion | T-Mobile Community (2024)

  • 13 December 2022

  • 44 replies

On December 4, 2022, I went tomy local T-mobile store looking for promotion deals to see if I could get a trade-in upgrade for my wife’s phone. After talking to one of the employees about their current deals, they employee promised me that if I switchfrom my current plan Magenta to Magenta MAX that I would get a $800 trade-in credit towards an Iphone 14. I told her it is a great dealand was baited into switching my phone plan. She made the switch official that day (Dec 4, 2022) and told me to come back on December 6, 2022 to make the trade-inbecause the plan swapwouldnot be effective until then. When I arrived 2 days later on the 6th, I was told that there were no such deal by another employee and the current plan they currently offer is a $400 trade-in credit.

Long story short, I end up reverting my plan back to Magenta and was charged for the Magenta MAX plan although I only had it for 2 days. Next time before making a switch, I would ask for a written contract. This is absolutely unacceptance and no one should be charged $40 more due to incompetent employees/false promotions.

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Userlevel 3

  • Calaby68

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  • 1 year ago15 December 2022

Tmobile seems to be in the scam business with their promooffers!😡

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Userlevel 2

  • AnotherVictim

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  • 1 year ago14 January 2023

I had the exact same situation with T-Mobile!!! I went into the store was told they would take my old IPhone and give me a new one for free on a monthly credit and it would take 3 months to get the first credit……….. this never happened and when I called and complained a low IQ savage ( You Latisha) had the nerve to yell at me,not let me speak and tell me T-Mobile is not responsible for employees that lie and will not honor what I was promised,I am just another customer who says they were promised something with no proof have a nice day. So I am waiting for the store to open and let’s just say the employees who made me the promise will now have a life changing day today. This is a known scam and the employees have no consequences for lies and are essentially being rewarded with commissions for these lies and T-Mobile is fine with it because they profit off of the lies. They stole my phone telling me 90 days for the credit to show but apparently after 14 days you can’t get your phone back which is long before you find out you had been lied to…… T-Mobile you are an disgraceful establishment and it’s disgusting you allow your employees to lie to customers and yell at them and treat them like garbage when they inform you of the lies. I willpromise you this will cost you and those store employees a lot more than this will cost me.

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  • g3r2b3

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  • 1 year ago15 January 2023

This happened to me too! They told me I’d get $800 off my Samsung Ultra andthat my Samsung watch was free with the trade in.On top of that I was told that because I would be joining my mother’s plan (who gets a discount because of her age) that our total bill would be around $70 per month total. I paid my $400 down and walked out of the store. I went back 2x to try and return my devices and they kept telling me that I’ll lose the promotion if I return them.Now I have to pay to for something I didn’t feel comfortable with, too the point of trying to return them.I specifically mentioned multiple how I wanted to be able to pay off the phone and nothave monthly payments. They told me I could pay off the phone completely after 3 months.I get no discount for anything and now I have to stay and pay for 20 months of a contract for both phone and watch phone lines with insurance. I literally cannot afford this.

Thanks a lot SEABROOK NH.

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  • irwanluwandi

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  • 1 year ago20 January 2023

Same thing Here, just switch offer with the enticing offer of $200 rebate perline, She sent me this rebate code when I agreed to sign up. After calling them for status, I just found out this is only for Magenta Max, I was on magenta and they want me to pay more to go to Max to get the rebate now. Bait and switch scheme. how can T mobile let this happen, there is no mentioned about the magenta Max requirement on this website and I trust the sales person at that time. I guess be careful

T-Mobile Care<>

Fri, Dec 30, 2022, 2:38 PM

Lied to about promotion | T-Mobile Community (1)

Lied to about promotion | T-Mobile Community (2)


Dear Customer,

The promo code you requested is 2022SWITCHP9 Go to
and use code 2022SWITCHP9 within 30 days of device receipt and upon meeting all qualifications to redeem your Virtual Prepaid Mastercard

Thank you,


Care Team


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  • Lindadb

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  • 1 year ago22 January 2023

HI all - I got my phone - went in and the gal in front of her manager, and another and my husband - checked and said that my phone qualified for the free 800 phone with 128gb. I asked about the difference for having 250gb - and was told it would be about 100 0 $4.00 a month for 24 month as I couldn’t pay upfront. So our bill should only be 70+4+ for 74 a month. I traded in my iphone as well and got a $155.00 credit. I asked three times about the final cost - being told the same. Went in to surgery out of live for a while recovering. Noticed a service credit for Nov and Dec. - on autopay - not thinking anything is wrong. Until I got my bill for Jan - it’s up to 98.00 dollars now - WHAT. Plus it looks like my 155.00 credit didn’t go very far…. I went to T Mobile tonight to speak with the rep - the person who handled my transaction was not there but apparently the asst manager. The rep I talked to tonight who apparent worked a different store during Oct - said it was for the Magenta MAX. I told him that I was told - that my plan qualified…. I wouldn’t have gone through with it. He took my info, gave me the manager name - and said they will call me Monday. We will see. I decided to check and see if anyone else had a off experience - I couldn’t get the free Apple TV as I didn’t have.the MAx plan but could get the iphone. I am not feeling the love. To be continued.

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Userlevel 1

  • irwanluwandi

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  • 1 year ago22 January 2023

File your complaint to if there is enough, they will look into it hopefully


Userlevel 1

Lied to about promotion | T-Mobile Community (3)

  • AFKane

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  • 1 year ago31 January 2023

I was baited to add a line and get a free phone via monthly bill credits and I was given the credits for two months and now they are billing me the full monthly price of the phone pretending they don't know what I'm talking about when asking about the credits. Only when I told them that if they don't honor their promotion I will go to Verizon now their tone changed to "we'll look into it ". 12 year customer here very disappointing at the scammers they have become

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  • Zachriah90

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  • 1 year ago19 February 2023

So same thing literally just happened.

I went in to possibly trade in my phone for a promotion. Go from an iPhone 12 mini to a GooglePixel7. I was told my phone could trade in for $300 with the promotion and that it was in great condition.

So I went for the trade. But at the time of the deal, the acceptance offer was lot less than what the guy told me: $140. His words were "The trade would be adjusted when they get the phone in the mail." And he kept pressuring me to accept after I started to have doubts. But he seemed like he was telling the truth so I accepted.

It was a deferred trade and the gentleman said I'd have to mail it though I did not feel comfortable doing so. So a few days later I took it back to the store and had them send the phone in.

This morning I just got a message from T-Mobile about my trade in. It is apparently NOT in great condition (which is bogus) and is now worth $90 trade in. $210 less than what the guy told me.

Called customer service to see about this issue and the person (Abby) was extremely condescending like "You don't understand how promotions work" "You already got the promotion." At which point I said I'd just go into the store and deal with them in person, then hung up. Now T-Mobile won't stop calling me and leaving lengthy voicemails saying I don't know the promotion, etc.

I cannot afford the phone I have without the promotion I was told about. I should have just kept my iPhone 12 mini. Considering going to Verizon since I have internet with them.

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Userlevel 2

Lied to about promotion | T-Mobile Community (4)

  • sliderule43

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  • 1 year ago22 February 2023

$ 50 promo. Home internet. Web site advertised $ 50 prepaid visa for getting Home Internet. I did, it’s great, but when I tried to apply, it asked for the promo code. It’s said it’s near the bottom of the bill. It’s not. When I clicked promotions, it said none. It also said, no device promo, no service promo. Overseas CS claims they don’t know about a promo.I intend keeping the service anyway, but I won’t switch my phone service to ™. The supposed much larger prepaid visas may never come.

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Userlevel 7

Lied to about promotion | T-Mobile Community (6) +16

  • fireguy_6364

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  • 1 year ago22 February 2023

$ 50 promo. Home internet. Web site advertised $ 50 prepaid visa for getting Home Internet. I did, it’s great, but when I tried to apply, it asked for the promo code. It’s said it’s near the bottom of the bill. It’s not. When I clicked promotions, it said none. It also said, no device promo, no service promo. Overseas CS claims they don’t know about a promo.I intend keeping the service anyway, but I won’t switch my phone service to ™️. The supposed much larger prepaid visas may never come.

keep checking your email..specifically the spam folder for any emails from TMO about what steps are neded in order for it to happen.

do you remember what promo it was or by chance have a copy of it?

***I like many others come onto this site for assistance and to help others. Marking a reply as helpful or correct helps others with like issues when they try to search the site for assistance. I do not work for Tmobile and my suggestions and or opinions are my own**.~~~~ The site here is primarily peer to peer with some TMO moderation to keep the site in order..They do not have account access..The prefered method would be to contact TMO through either calling in (tier 1 support) or by contacting them through either Facebook/Twitter (tier 2 support)**~~~~

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Userlevel 2

Lied to about promotion | T-Mobile Community (7)

  • sliderule43

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  • 1 year ago22 February 2023

No I don’t. ™ has multiple web sites. I was interested getting both ™ phone service and internet, with the discount on the internet. I hit the link and the new screen said to call CS. I did, and the rep changed the subject every tine I mentioned the bundle discount. I activated the internet, and said I would receive info via email on the promotions. Nothing came. I called a few days later and again, another overseas CS. He never heard of the bundle promos, and couldn’t find it on the web. It’s all over the web. Is it still in effect? It may have been a holiday only promo.

I have the impression that ™ operates a CSsystem of freelancers that get a commission, or larger commission, by not disclosing information on discounts. I’m serious. Every web page is different, and you may be clicking expired information.

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Userlevel 7

Lied to about promotion | T-Mobile Community (9) +16

  • fireguy_6364

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  • 1 year ago22 February 2023

keep checking your spam folder..not unheard of for carrier stuff to get kicked over there instead.

was it a online only promo perhaps?

***I like many others come onto this site for assistance and to help others. Marking a reply as helpful or correct helps others with like issues when they try to search the site for assistance. I do not work for Tmobile and my suggestions and or opinions are my own**.~~~~ The site here is primarily peer to peer with some TMO moderation to keep the site in order..They do not have account access..The prefered method would be to contact TMO through either calling in (tier 1 support) or by contacting them through either Facebook/Twitter (tier 2 support)**~~~~

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  • Kat V

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  • 1 year ago22 February 2023

What a scam…wish i read this sooner...on Sept, 2021I went tomy local T-mobile store looking to switch over from sprint to t-mobile and in the process i was offered apromotion deal to trade-in/upgrademy phone. Ihad an iphone 8256 gb. After talking to one of the employees about their current deals, they employee suggested i sign up for the Magenta MAX and I would get a $800 trade-in credit towards an Iphone mini 12.i really wasn't interested in trading because i was happy with my iphone 8 and had 256 gb but was told if i didn't switch it would cause issues with the new service etc.etc. so reluctantly i traded in my phone under the condition that the trade in value would cover the cost of the new phone. low and below countless hours on the phone with customer service and 17 months later stillpaying $22.08 for the iphone mini12.. this scam is so convoluted that the customer service reps do not even know how to explain or handle the questions although one did say that there's was something wrong with the phone i traded in .. so i asked why wasn't i contacted and why wasnt the phone returned if it wasn't suitable to trade in then proceeded to tell me to contact the store where i purchased the phone. Idid contact the salesperson and she was surprised at what had occurred and at that time i was on the plan for 4 months so she refunded $120 via gift card (at that time i was being charged $30/ month for iphone 12 mini)... (not sure why now im being charged $22.08/month) and told me she would attempt to get it straighten out but to date issue has not been resolved. Again where is my phone?? why wasn't it returned ?? why didn't iget the credit that was promised??all questions still awaiting responses.

deceitful practice and untrustworthy company never had these issues with Verizon or sprint

very dissatisfied soon to be ex customer

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Userlevel 2

Lied to about promotion | T-Mobile Community (10)

  • sliderule43

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  • 1 year ago22 February 2023

To fire guy. You are probably correct. if so, then my fault. I took the free 90 day network pass to check my reception. I then verified by online that I was eligible. I was interested in switching both phone and internet service and wasn’t sure if the promo was over.My click took me to a phone number. It was a legitimate ™ number as I received my gateway 2 days later.

Oh well $ 50. I’ll be more careful next time.

That said, today, ATT just went up $ 9 on my grandfather phone plan, which I was told would never go up. Now $ 123 for 3 phones, for 12 GB total. That includes my affiliate discount.

I will be leaving ATT. I’ll probably do it during the Thanksgiving - Christmas holidays, when amazing deals come up.

Food for thought.

The phone companies benefit the most with grandfather plans. Youstay with the company, and are ineligible for the best phone deals.I’ve been with them for 12 years, no free phones, only use 6 GB between three of us. Now ATT is trying to psh everyone into the Premium Unlimited Plan for$ 180 foe 3 phones.

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Userlevel 7

Lied to about promotion | T-Mobile Community (12) +16

  • fireguy_6364

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  • 1 year ago22 February 2023

not saying it was however there are quite a few of them through TMO that are online only promos..figured there was a possibility thats what you were seeing.

for my area TMO works pretty well..few areas where its a bit hit and miss but those same areas V has issues in as well..test the tar out of your main areas and see if TMO works for you or not..

TMO/Sprint and V are the big boys in Northern Cali..ATT is junk up here.

***I like many others come onto this site for assistance and to help others. Marking a reply as helpful or correct helps others with like issues when they try to search the site for assistance. I do not work for Tmobile and my suggestions and or opinions are my own**.~~~~ The site here is primarily peer to peer with some TMO moderation to keep the site in order..They do not have account access..The prefered method would be to contact TMO through either calling in (tier 1 support) or by contacting them through either Facebook/Twitter (tier 2 support)**~~~~

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  • Class action lawsuit

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  • 1 year ago 5 March 2023

On December 4, 2022, I went tomy local T-mobile store looking for promotion deals to see if I could get a trade-in upgrade for my wife’s phone. After talking to one of the employees about their current deals, they employee promised me that if I switchfrom my current plan Magenta to Magenta MAX that I would get a $800 trade-in credit towards an Iphone 14. I told her it is a great dealand was baited into switching my phone plan. She made the switch official that day (Dec 4, 2022) and told me to come back on December 6, 2022 to make the trade-inbecause the plan swapwouldnot be effective until then. When I arrived 2 days later on the 6th, I was told that there were no such deal by another employee and the current plan they currently offer is a $400 trade-in credit.

Long story short, I end up reverting my plan back to Magenta and was charged for the Magenta MAX plan although I only had it for 2 days. Next time before making a switch, I would ask for a written contract. This is absolutely unacceptance and no one should be charged $40 more due to incompetent employees/false promotions.

Well it's March 4th 2023 something happened to me.....exactly......not just me...... a lot of people!!!!! I bet we can get a class action lawsuit going.

All I have to say on this right now ..…

I'm personally going to look into this matter I'm sure that there's a lawyer out there who would love to take this on ..... David and Goliath......

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  • Amuniz

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  • 1 year ago15 April 2023

We also got scammed by the salesmen. They promised $800 towards the cost of a new iPhone 14 if we switch from Verizon. To T Mobileand thatwe needed to trade in our phones and lo and behold they are charging us monthly for each phone and we were told they are not responsible for misinformation we received. Waiting to pay off phones and we will be leaving T Mobile for their deception. I read there is a class action lawsuit against them. If so can we also be included.


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  • tigu

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  • 1 year ago19 April 2023

same here ! went to Tmobile store in Manhattan , switching from Verizon and porting the phone number

- I still have the LEAFLET with me THAT ONLY SAYS STARTING FROM 9/1/22


saleseman told me he was doing the application for me and that I would get my200$ virtual prepaid mastercard -

BUT NOW IN THE WEBESITE IS shows DENIED apparently Tmobile now added a date range that was not on the paper and not what the salesman told me !

Promotion Information Promotion Number:268707
Promotion Description:2022 Switch P8
Promotion Date Range:9/1/2022-11/16/2022

Tracking ID:KCLJ-0665-0107
Submission Date:12/21/2022

Reward Information

Reward Type:Virtual Prepaid Card

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Userlevel 2

  • KingCharlie

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  • 1 year ago 4 May 2023

On December 4, 2022, I went tomy local T-mobile store looking for promotion deals to see if I could get a trade-in upgrade for my wife’s phone. After talking to one of the employees about their current deals, they employee promised me that if I switchfrom my current plan Magenta to Magenta MAX that I would get a $800 trade-in credit towards an Iphone 14. I told her it is a great dealand was baited into switching my phone plan. She made the switch official that day (Dec 4, 2022) and told me to come back on December 6, 2022 to make the trade-inbecause the plan swapwouldnot be effective until then. When I arrived 2 days later on the 6th, I was told that there were no such deal by another employee and the current plan they currently offer is a $400 trade-in credit.

Long story short, I end up reverting my plan back to Magenta and was charged for the Magenta MAX plan although I only had it for 2 days. Next time before making a switch, I would ask for a written contract. This is absolutely unacceptance and no one should be charged $40 more due to incompetent employees/false promotions.

Well it's March 4th 2023 something happened to me.....exactly......not just me...... a lot of people!!!!! I bet we can get a class action lawsuit going.

All I have to say on this right now ..…

I'm personally going to look into this matter I'm sure that there's a lawyer out there who would love to take this on ..... David and Goliath......

Please let me what lawyer you find. I am also looking into a lawyer.

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Userlevel 2

  • KingCharlie

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  • 1 year ago 5 May 2023

Same type experience

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Userlevel 2

  • 187Random781

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  • 1 year ago25 May 2023

File your complaint to if there is enough, they will look into it hopefully

just did this

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Userlevel 2

  • 187Random781

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  • 1 year ago25 May 2023

It seems I am not the only who got scammed with T-Mobile promotions. I went to a Costco location to conduct business with T-mobile. It was January 2023 and the T-Mobile promotion at that time was “Keep and Switch ($800), 2022 Switch P9 ($200 per line), and Costco 2022 Activate P3($150 per line)” which sound like a good deal, so I switched over three lines. One line as a Keep and switch because I did not need to replace the phone, I just switch over the service, and the other two was brought in as a Switch P9. Since the deal happened inside a Costco store, each line was also eligible for the Costco Activate promotion. I received the 2022 Switch P9 a few weeks later.

Now the other promotions is a different story, it is now May 25th and still working on the Keep and Switch promotion and the Costco activate. After Many phone calls with each promising that this time the issue have been identified and fixed, that I must wait 2-4 weeks for the e-card to be activated and I will receive a text to redeem the card. Every time I call I asked for a tracking ID so I can refer to it when I dont receive a text after the expected time frame. Each time I use the tracking ID, I am told that it is not valid and we have to start the process all over again and again and again. It is upsetting and it is also the reason why I am posting to hopefully shed light to this SCAM and prevent other people from being victim.

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Userlevel 2

  • 187Random781

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  • 1 year ago25 May 2023

On December 4, 2022, I went tomy local T-mobile store looking for promotion deals to see if I could get a trade-in upgrade for my wife’s phone. After talking to one of the employees about their current deals, they employee promised me that if I switchfrom my current plan Magenta to Magenta MAX that I would get a $800 trade-in credit towards an Iphone 14. I told her it is a great dealand was baited into switching my phone plan. She made the switch official that day (Dec 4, 2022) and told me to come back on December 6, 2022 to make the trade-inbecause the plan swapwouldnot be effective until then. When I arrived 2 days later on the 6th, I was told that there were no such deal by another employee and the current plan they currently offer is a $400 trade-in credit.

Long story short, I end up reverting my plan back to Magenta and was charged for the Magenta MAX plan although I only had it for 2 days. Next time before making a switch, I would ask for a written contract. This is absolutely unacceptance and no one should be charged $40 more due to incompetent employees/false promotions.

Well it's March 4th 2023 something happened to me.....exactly......not just me...... a lot of people!!!!! I bet we can get a class action lawsuit going.

All I have to say on this right now ..…

I'm personally going to look into this matter I'm sure that there's a lawyer out there who would love to take this on ..... David and Goliath......

Please let me what lawyer you find. I am also looking into a lawyer.

Interested in this Class action lawsuit, people need to be aware of T-Mobile’s deceptive promotion. I too was dumb enough to be scammed by them.

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  • swimming-up-hill

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  • 1 year ago27 May 2023


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  • swimming-up-hill

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  • 1 year ago27 May 2023


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Lied to about promotion | T-Mobile Community (2024)
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Author: Velia Krajcik

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Author information

Name: Velia Krajcik

Birthday: 1996-07-27

Address: 520 Balistreri Mount, South Armand, OR 60528

Phone: +466880739437

Job: Future Retail Associate

Hobby: Polo, Scouting, Worldbuilding, Cosplaying, Photography, Rowing, Nordic skating

Introduction: My name is Velia Krajcik, I am a handsome, clean, lucky, gleaming, magnificent, proud, glorious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.